Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Photo critique: Had to turn around!

I was driving home the other day when for some reason I noticed these crosses from the road. I turned my car around and headed back to the front of this church, on Walnut Boulevard in Corvallis. For some reason I couldn't leave without taking a picture.
Although the homes are in the background, I feel this photo is a clean shot...it's not overly cluttered with chaos, and I think the colors are peaceful and visually pleasing. I also like the variety in sizes of the crosses.

1 comment:

  1. There are some things that you want to photograph for no particular reason. Recently on a visit to Israel I saw a lone poppy growing from the gravel. I took a picture of that, and although it's not a great picture, it will always take me back to a place where flowers can grow in gravel.
